Saturday, August 4, 2012

Decay of plasma by ambipolar diffusion in one dimensional slab

I have made a program using "GNU OCTAVE" to plot the decay of plasma by ambipolar diffusion in one dimensional slab.This program can be run in MATLAB also.You can know the beauty of this program only after you run this.

% This is a program to plot the decay of plasma by ambipolar diffusion in one dimensional slab:
clear all
close all

n_o = 1e12;          % initial density in m^-3
L = 0.024;           % length of edge from centre of the slab in m
D = 0.4;             % ambipolar diffusion coeffecient in m^2/sec
T = (2*L/pi)^2/D;    % tau:mean time between collision

x = linspace(-.024,.024);

for t = 0:.00002:.001;
n = n_o*exp(-(t./T)).*cos(pi*x./2/L);   % density distribution

plot(x,n),xlabel('x(slab dimension)'),ylabel('n(density of plasma)')
  axis([-0.024 0.024 0 1e12])

  pause(.1)            % pause the fig for .1 sec

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