Saturday, June 23, 2012

A program to plot the dispersion relation for electron plasma waves

I have made a program to plot the dispersion relation for electron plasma wave using MATLAB. The M-file code and plot are shown below.

% A program to plot the dispersion relation for electron plasma waves

% assign the value of constants

no = 1e18; % neutral density in m^-3
e = 1.6021e-19; % charge of electron in C
Eo = 8.8541e-12; % permittivity of free space in Fm^-1
me = 9.1095e-31; % mass of electron in kg
KT_e = 100; % temperature in ev
v_th = sqrt(2*KT_e/me); %thermal velocity
w_p = sqrt(no*e^2/Eo/me); % plasma frequency
k = linspace(-2*pi/1000000,2*pi/1000000,1000);
% mathematical relation of w with k
w  = sqrt(w_p^2 + 3/2*v_th^2*k.^2); %frequency of electron plasma wave:
%w^2  = w_p^2 + 3/2*v_th^2*k.^2
xlabel('wave vector(k)'), ylabel('electron plasma ferquency(w)'),title('Dispersion relation for electron plasma wave')
grid on


seosky said...
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